Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Wondering what can help you get through a stressful holiday season?

It has been a busy fall and I can't believe it is already December.  I have been growing much busier with my home-based practice and I also joined the wonderful team at Ottawa Holistic Wellness and have been going there 2 days a week to see patients.   Since its inception in the spring I have also been teaching at the Canadian Homeopathic Institute in Ottawa every second weekend.  All this to say, I have been extremely busy and remiss in writing here on my blog.  That said I want to provide some useful information as the holiday season is quickly approaching and it can be a stressful time of year.  

Homeopathy works best if it is individually prescribed.  This means that one person's stress can look very different from another person's stress and it is the individuality and uniqueness of each person's symptoms that need to be examined and prescribed for in order to find a successful homeopathic remedy.   For example, one person might suddenly become very restless, experience shallow breathing, agitation and palpitations.  They could begin to see a tendency of quickly getting into a state of panic.  If this person's symptoms fit a particular picture they might benefit from the homeopathic remedy Aconite.  But there are many different remedies used in homeopathy that are useful during times of stress.  If you find yourself often feeling the effects of stress you might consider visiting a professional homeopath who can help you regain balance so that the stress doesn't begin to create more serious physical, mental or emotional symptoms.

In the meantime for the holiday season you might find it helpful to keep a bottle of Bach Flower Rescue Remedy on hand.  This is a combination of wild flower remedies that is very useful at times of anxiety, tension and crisis.  You can put a few drops straight on your tongue or put a few drops in a glass or bottle of water that you can sip on from time to time as you need a dose.  It will help to take the edge off and will make you feel more relaxed, focused and calm.  Use this remedy for stressful work holiday parties, visits with family and in-laws,  for stressful road trips and air travel (especially if you are nervous flying.) By the way, Rescue remedy is also useful for your pets if they don't travel well and you are travelling over the holidays with your furry family members!

Here is a link to the official website if you would like more information about this product.


I wish you all happiness, health and joy going into this holiday season.

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