Sunday, 28 December 2014

Alternative treatment for Shingles

I have been asked a lot about Zostavax the zoster vaccine for shingles.  I have spoken to a number of older people who are concerned about shingles and they have heard a lot about this new vaccine.  I will always tell my patients it is necessary to speak to your doctor and do the appropriate research before making any decisions about getting a vaccine or deciding to not to do so.  It has to be your own decision and one about which you are confident and happy.  I will not advise you as to what to do.  However, what I can do is tell you that there are homeopathic remedies to help you should you get shingles.

If you need more information about what shingles is, you can read up about it at the Mayo Clinic website:

There are more than a hundred number of homeopathic remedies for shingles and so you need to observe closely to match your particular symptoms to the right remedy.  I list below only a handful of the most common remedies for shingles.  Try a remedy from below of it seems to fit your picture and consider consulting a professional homeopath if you see no results on self-prescribing.  Remember that with homeopathy the success of the prescription depends on matching the picture well.  Only take a remedy up to 3 times and if it offers no improvement move onto your next choice.  I would recommend you use 30C.

If you are already seeing a homeopath you should contact him or her first but if you cannot reach anyone and you have your constitutional remedy - it would be the first place to start.  Take that remedy and see if it helps you.

Rhus Toxicodendron (Rhus tox) is a classic remedy for chicken pox.  It also happens to be rather useful for shingles.  Rhus tox is in fact the poison ivy plant and it is significant to note that the rash one would have after brushing against such a plant produces a very similar looking rash as that produced by the shingles (zoster) virus.  There is inflammation, intensely painful blisters and unrelenting itching.  In order for this remedy to work it must fit the picture: you get temporary relief on applying a warm compress or having a warm bath; you are very restless and moving about a lot in an attempt to feel better; you are more likely to have left sided symptoms with this remedy picture.

Ranunculus Bulbosus is an effective shingle remedy when there is severe nerve pains that can feel like stabbing pains around the ribcage; these are worse for the slightest touch; and moving makes the pain worse.  This remedy picture can include a rash on the left side of the chest that are slightly bluish in hue.

Iris Versicolor is indicated when the rash is worse on the right; often on the right side of the abdomen and under the right arm.    There could also be headaches, burning in the stomach and vomiting which are ameliorated with a walk outside in fresh air.

Arsenicum Album is another useful remedy for someone who is very chilly, extremely restless and anxious, tremendously fatigued and worse after midnight.  The interesting thing with this remedy type is that they have burning pains that paradoxically feel better for warmth.  This patient is usually very thirsty for cold drinks and will sip their drink frequently.

Mezereum is worth trying if the rash is intensely painful and itchy where the blisters are oozing, bright red and the blisters may burst to form brown scabs.  The rash is made worse for hot applications or getting warm in bed and may be better for cold compresses.  This remedy's rash is found most often on the scalp and face. This patient feels "cold to the bone" or "frozen".

Other remedies for shingles include:  Apis; Cantharis; Lachesis; Mercurious; Natrum Muriaticum; Petroleum; Pulsatilla; Sepia; Sulphur; Thuja; and Variolinum (to name but a few of the many options.)

Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Wondering what can help you get through a stressful holiday season?

It has been a busy fall and I can't believe it is already December.  I have been growing much busier with my home-based practice and I also joined the wonderful team at Ottawa Holistic Wellness and have been going there 2 days a week to see patients.   Since its inception in the spring I have also been teaching at the Canadian Homeopathic Institute in Ottawa every second weekend.  All this to say, I have been extremely busy and remiss in writing here on my blog.  That said I want to provide some useful information as the holiday season is quickly approaching and it can be a stressful time of year.  

Homeopathy works best if it is individually prescribed.  This means that one person's stress can look very different from another person's stress and it is the individuality and uniqueness of each person's symptoms that need to be examined and prescribed for in order to find a successful homeopathic remedy.   For example, one person might suddenly become very restless, experience shallow breathing, agitation and palpitations.  They could begin to see a tendency of quickly getting into a state of panic.  If this person's symptoms fit a particular picture they might benefit from the homeopathic remedy Aconite.  But there are many different remedies used in homeopathy that are useful during times of stress.  If you find yourself often feeling the effects of stress you might consider visiting a professional homeopath who can help you regain balance so that the stress doesn't begin to create more serious physical, mental or emotional symptoms.

In the meantime for the holiday season you might find it helpful to keep a bottle of Bach Flower Rescue Remedy on hand.  This is a combination of wild flower remedies that is very useful at times of anxiety, tension and crisis.  You can put a few drops straight on your tongue or put a few drops in a glass or bottle of water that you can sip on from time to time as you need a dose.  It will help to take the edge off and will make you feel more relaxed, focused and calm.  Use this remedy for stressful work holiday parties, visits with family and in-laws,  for stressful road trips and air travel (especially if you are nervous flying.) By the way, Rescue remedy is also useful for your pets if they don't travel well and you are travelling over the holidays with your furry family members!

Here is a link to the official website if you would like more information about this product.

I wish you all happiness, health and joy going into this holiday season.

Friday, 26 September 2014

Homeopathy for hangovers and students

One might ask how homeopathy would be helpful for students.  To begin with homeopathic  remedies are not very expensive, are easier to find these days (in health food stores and alternative pharmacies) and they keep practically forever as long as they are stored properly.  But why else might they be of interest to a student…?  Well, the first remedy students might want to know about is Nux Vomica (AKA Columbrina)  This is actually a stomach and liver remedy and so – you guessed it – this makes it a fantastic hang-over remedy.  It is for after you have had too much food and alcohol and you feel nauseated; headache-y; sensitive to light, odours, or noise; and/or as if you want to vomit but even if you do - this doesn’t bring you relief; and also for when you feel worse on first waking in the morning.  This occasion then calls for Nux Vomica.  It is important to note that homeopathic remedies should be prescribed for the individual and that they will only work if the remedy and patient closely match one another.  In other words, the  person needing Nux Vomica is ambitious, hard-working, and has a type “A” personality.  They are competitive, impulsive, impatient, fastidious sorts who often crave stimulants such as coffee, chocolate, alcohol, tobacco and drugs in order to maintain their intense, frenetic craziness.  The Nux Vomica person likes to work hard and play hard.  But eventually this can lead to an inability to concentrate, and ultimately burn out and collapse.  As well as being a popular hangover remedy it is also a well known remedy for collapse from overwork.  A person who would benefit from Nux Vomica is often chilly; is sensitive to drafts; prone to migraines, hayfever, gastro-intestinal issues like heartburn, indigestion, gas and constipation from rich food; insomnia,  and headaches accompanying constipation.  Oh…and this person can be extremely irritable, critical and easily angered,

Take Nux Vomica 30c once and then wait to see how you are feeling. Repeat the dose after a half an hour.  Take up to three times then stop.  If you aren’t feeling any better after a third dose then this isn’t the remedy for you and you aren’t as irritable as you might have thought you were.  It is important to note that you MUST STOP TAKING THE REMEDY as soon as you have any improvement.  Your body will continue to heal itself and so must be given the chance to do so.  If you repeat the remedy too often that can stop it from working and you’ll have no chance of recovering from that blasted hangover. (Just kidding!)

School can be stressful with deadlines, exams, extreme mental effort, parties, stimulants and not enough sleep. This is why if this picture above of the hardworking, hard playing, ambitious, over-extended picture of a Type A personality is YOU – then consider Nux Vomica.  It will even be good to have in your bag when you return home for Thanksgiving or Christmas holidays because not just unhealthy things can cause someone to need Nux Vomica.   Too much of anything (even good home cooking) can cause you to feel this way and can be helped with a dose or two of this remedy.  

Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Homeopathy is effective for earaches and ear infections

I gave my sons homeopathic remedies when they had ear infections.  The remedies worked wonders.  I always used homeopathy as our first line of defence - and it certainly served us all well.  There are several remedies that could be used for ear infections so it is important to look carefully at your child's symptoms and try to match carefully the right remedy to your child's particular symptom picture.  If you have difficulty identifying the best one or you have tried one or two with no success, please consider contacting a professional homeopath.  Here is a post found at  Homeopathy Plus website about useful remedies to consider in the case of an earache or ear infection.

Monday, 7 July 2014

A burn on the barbecue

A patient of mine contacted me one evening as she had just burned herself on the barbeque.  It was the evening and I told her if she wanted to come straight over I could give her a homeopathic remedy that would help.  However, she lives a good 25 minutes away and instead she chose to drop by the next morning on her way to work.  When my patient came the following morning she showed me the blister and told me that it was still smarting.  I gave her Cantharis 30C which works well for second degree burns when there is blistering.  She called me later in the day to say she couldn't believe how well the remedy had worked.  Within minutes the pain was gone and within 30 minutes the blister had also disappeared.  She said that if she hadn't experienced it herself she wouldn't have believed it - it worked so quickly and so well.

There are different remedies for burns depending on the degree of the burn and the modalities - i.e. what makes it feel better and worse.  For example, I might use Urtica Urens for a less severe burn and Causticum for a more serious burn.  It is important to know also that - Cantharis is for when there is a great amount of pain and the pain is better for a cold compress whereas Urtica Urens and Causticum are usually worse for cool/cold bathing.

It is really important to consider carefully what the most predominant symptoms are and what makes them better or worse.  This can help one to find the best homeopathic remedy for any given issue.  Individualized prescribing is necessary if one is to have optimum results. Too often people choose a homeopathic remedy that doesn't quite fit the picture and then when it doesn't help they claim homeopathy doesn't work.  Take the time to try to get the whole picture and to match it to the best of your abilities to the closest matching remedy picture.  Take the remedy 3 times.  If it doesn't help then move onto your second choice - the next remedy that seems to closely match the symptom picture.

Some possible books to start with for basic information on prescribing for yourself and your family are:

Miranda Castro's Complete Homeopathic Handbook

Homeopathic Prescribing by Steven B Kayne and Lee R Kayne

Thursday, 3 July 2014

Irritable Bowel Syndrome and homeopathic treatment

A three-armed trial was conducted in the UK in which three forms of treatment for irritable bowel syndrome were compared:  usual care, homeopathic treatment plus usual care, and supportive listening plus usual care.  By the end of the 26 weeks there was a significant difference in favour of homeopathic treatment plus usual care, in comparison to usual care alone.  62.5 percent of patients in the homeopathic treatment arm achieved a clinically relevant change in irritable bowl symptom severity -- compared to 25.0 percent of those in the usual care arm.

Thursday, 5 June 2014

Motion sickness

Getting sick on the way to your holiday destination can make for a miserable start to what should be a good, fun and relaxing time.   Motion sickness (AKA travel sickness) is an acute issue that can come on while travelling in a car, boat or plane.    It is far more common in children and is often out-grown.  But in the meantime there are some homeopathic remedies that can help alleviate the symptoms of motion sickness  no matter the age of the patient or the mode of transportation.

Symptoms of motion sickness include:  dizziness (vertigo), sweating, headache, pale skin, increased salivation, stomach pains, nausea, and vomiting.

Take a look at the most common remedies for motion sickness listed below.  Consider carefully what symptoms are present and what makes the patient feel better or worse.  This will help you choose the appropriate remedy.  Use a 30c potency and only repeat 3 times.  If there is no improvement move onto your second choice remedy.

Better for
Worse for
#1 remedy for motion sickness  Great nausea, dizziness, faintness, loss of orientation Can have increased saliva
Cool air
Lying still
Loss of sleep
After eating Emotional excitability
Persistent nausea - empty feeling in stomach Accumulation of saliva in the mouth, stiffness at the back of the head or neck, vomiting and giddiness  Possible heartburn and burping
Smell of gas Dampness
Sitting up from a lying down position
Nausea, giddiness, vomiting, icy coldness (cold sweats)
Sinking feeling in stomach
Yellow or yellow-green vomit Headache like a tight band around the head
Fresh air
Eyes closed
Smell of tobacco smoke
Extreme hot or cold temperatures Sightest movement

Fear of falling or worse from downward motion e.g. change in altitude in airplane;descending in flight; turbulance with falling sensation; on landing. In car – going down a steep hill.  On a boat – when exposed to big waves. There can be dizziness, nausea, abdominal distension and a great sensitivity to sudden noises
Cool weather

Tobacco smoke
Nux vomica
With possible sour taste in mouth, much retching, and constipation
After sleeping Better vomiting although finds it difficult to vomit
Eating, especially spicy food.

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Gentle, effective homeopathy during pregnancy, labour and beyond

Homeopathy is safe during pregnancy, while breastfeeding, for newborns, infants and children.  It works well for those issues that you want addressed during pregnancy without using drugs - e.g. morning sickness, breast tenderness, backache, heartburn, constipation etc.   There are also wonderful homeopathic remedies that can help during labour and other remedies that are useful immediately afterwards for speeding recovery and addressing issues to do with breastfeeding.  Here are links to the British Homeopathic Association's information sheet on homeopathic remedies for pregnancy and labour, as well as their factsheet about babies and children.

I highly recommend Miranda Castro's book Homeopathy for Pregnancy, Birth and Your Baby's First Years.   This book is great if you want to learn how to use homeopathic remedies at home for yourself and your baby. You can buy it directly from Miranda's webite or Amazon

Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Postpartum depression and homeopathy

Postpartum depression (AKA Post-natal depression) is a depression that comes on within the first year of the birth of a child.  There are a number of symptoms including sadness, grief, feeling overwhelmed, feeling inadequate, a sense of not being able to bond with the infant, fatigue etc.  Many people have heard of postpartum depression but not many might expect to feel this way.  Usually an expectant mother (and father) is excited about the forthcoming arrival of her child and therefore is surprised to feel these difficult emotions after the birth of her baby.  There are numerous theories about what causes postpartum depression and as it can also appear in men it is not only hormonal, as many have theorized.  Naturally there is a desire to help the parent with postpartum depression to overcome it so that he or she will feel better able to take care of the needs of the infant.

There is a body of evidence supporting the homeopathic treatment for mental and emotional health.  Furthermore, homeopathic remedies are safe, effective and non-toxic.  They can safely be taken while pregnant, nursing or by young infants.  They work quickly and they do not cause side effects.  While self-prescribing of homeopathic remedies is fine for certain issues, it is recommended to seek professional homeopathic treatment for postpartum depression.

Here are two links to articles for more information about homeopathy for post-partum depression:

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Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Spring = Allergies (for many people)

It seems that this year the allergy specialists are reporting a bad season ahead for those inflicted with seasonal allergies.  So if you have allergies perhaps you want to try homeopathy.  I have had a number of patients improve dramatically with homeopathic treatment.  Within a very short time they are symptom free and often times subsequent years these clients don't even need to repeat their remedies as they no longer experience the same symptoms.

If you are interested in reading more about homeopathy for allergies and seeing some evidence of its effectiveness in relation to allergies - here is a great article to start with:

Monday, 31 March 2014

What is the difference between a naturopath and a homeopath?

Naturopath vs. Homeopath  What are the differences?

 Naturopaths are trained in a variety of healing modalities and homeopathy is just one the many methods they learn. A naturopath could be considered like a general practitioner of alternative medicine studying diverse modalities such as clinical nutrition, botanical (herbal) medicine, iridology, acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine and homeopathy, among others.

     Naturopathy is practiced very differently from one practitioner to the other depending on his or her own strengths and interests. A naturopath’s education in so many different modalities means they lack expertise in any one, unless or until they choose to specialize. Some naturopaths prescribe homeopathically with a minimum amount of knowledge, some rarely use it, while others choose to specialize in it and work exclusively with homeopathic remedies.  Naturopaths often require numerous expensive tests to be undertaken or a lot of costly supplements, be they vitamins, minerals, herbal tinctures etc.

     A classical homeopath studies for four years only homeopathy and specializes in prescribing homeopathic remedies. Classical homeopathy espouses using only one remedy at a time at a single potency to address all of the symptoms - psychological, emotional and physical -that make up a person’s entirety. By prescribing only one homeopathic remedy makes it easier to determine the effects of that remedy without other factors muddling the picture. There exist thousands of homeopathic remedies and for example there could be 200 possible remedies for a particular ailment for this reason it requires a tremendous amount of learning and experience to prescribe well.  A classical homeopath spends years studying how to accurately prescribe as homeopathic remedies need to be prescribed individually to bring about the greatest and longest lasting improvements in health.  Homeopathic remedies are very inexpensive and have an extremely long shelf life.

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Homeopathy works and new research supports this.

Despite the fact that back in the 1800s there were a number of homeopathic hospitals and medical schools in the US and Canada, the climate shifted and homeopathy became almost forgotten in North America.  However, homeopathy continued in Europe as well as in South and Central America, and India.  Now increasingly North Americans are looking for alternatives to traditional medicine, pharmaceutical drugs and surgery.  They want something that is less invasive as a first line of defence or homeopathy is being used when traditional medicine has not provided long term healing.

More and more research has been emerging recently that supports the validity of homeopathy.  And this   is helpful for those who are new to homeopathy to have confidence in its efficacy.  It is difficult to find reliable, factual on-line sources of honest information about homeopathy and its studies -- so I have provided some useful links to homeopathic research summaries and scientific publications of homeopathic studies for you to peruse at your leisure:

The Swiss government commissioned a report that found homeopathy to be an effective, cost-efficient addition to the traditional and complementary medicine landscape. Here is a link to said report:

Monday, 24 March 2014

The eyes have it

Homeopathic treatment is effective for a number of issues related to the eyes.  I have treated a number of cases of conjunctivitis (pink eye) as well as styes very successfully using homeopathic remedies.  

Conjunctivitis is the inflammation of the conjunctiva - the transparent membrane covering the eye.  There are three causes: bacterial infection, viral infection or allergic reaction.  Both the bacterial and the viral causes of conjunctivitis are contagious while the allergic reaction is not.  In most cases conjunctivitis clears up by itself within two to five days.  However, homeopathic treatment is worth considering if there are recurrent episodes of conjunctivitis or if there is a need to clear the conjunctivitis more quickly.  I gave a homeopathic remedy to my son when he returned after a weekend away and had had symptoms of pink eye since Saturday.  I gave it to him on his return Monday evening and by the next morning he awoke with clear eyes that no longer felt "scratchy".  I have prescribed a homeopathic remedy for one boy who had many recurrences of conjunctivitis.  It cleared up the flare up he had at that time very quickly and I haven't heard of him having another episode since.

A stye is an infection at the root of an eyelash.  It looks like a pimple or a boil and can become quite red, swollen with pus, and painful.  Traditionally styes are treated with ointments, drops, antibiotics and are surgically removed, if all else fails.  I have successfully treated cases of stubborn styes that were not responding to conventional treatment and in fact in one case the very next day after a stye had been surgically removed another stye appeared on the opposite eye.  Therefore, if you have a susceptibility to developing styes, if nothing has helped you get rid of a stye or if you want to consider a less invasive form of treatment before considering surgically removing a stye  - you might want to consider homeopathic treatment.

Homeopathy works to boost the immune system to quickly overcome an existent health challenge and it also makes the body more resistant to disease so that subsequent episodes are less likely to occur.

Friday, 21 March 2014

Homeopathy: For mental and emotional wellbeing

  Homeopathy works wonders when we are feeling out of balance emotionally.  Psychopharmaceuticals often have side effects and once started are hard to come off of or are never given up because then the same symptoms return.   Unlike prescription drugs that suppress the emotions, homeopathic remedies help to heal by addressing the underlying cause.   Homeopathic remedies are given in minimal doses and are stopped as soon as there is an improvement.

Consider homeopathy for anxiety, phobias, depression and other mental and emotional problems.  I saw a patient who was so fearful of flying that she would vomit several times each flight.  It was such a huge impediment as she really wanted to be able to travel.  This young woman did so well on a remedy that she has been able to fly frequently and even very long haul flights with no problems whatsoever.  To my knowledge she hasn't had to repeat the remedy at all.

I have also seen homeopathy work really well for depression.  A woman who was distraught at the end of her marriage was crying daily.  She couldn't seem to get out of that darkness and despair.  After taking a homeopathic remedy she stopped crying and within a short time she had a sense of hope, clarity and strength that had eluded her up to that point.

Here is a link to an article if you'd like to read more about the treatment of depression using homeopathy.


Thursday, 20 March 2014

Arnica: Homeopathy's #1 first aid remedy

If you are new to homeopathy the first remedy to consider trying for yourself is Arnica.  Homeopathic Arnica is used to treat bruising, strains and sprains, and soft tissue injuries.  Take this if you feel bruised and sore, for example after overexerting yourself at the gym.  This is also good if you’ve been injured or in an accident and you immediately react by saying “I’m fine, leave me alone.”  That is when you should instantly remember this remedy. If you have the feeling of being bruised and sore all over and you feel exhausted because of jet lag, then Arnica is the remedy for you.

Many professional and amateur athletes depend on homeopathic arnica to recover quickly from injuries.  But is also something to consider using after a trip to the dentist or after surgery.

Homeopathic remedies are unlike prescription or over-the-counter drugs in that you need to STOP taking the remedy for it to continue working.  Therefore if you are feeling any improvement it is essential you not repeat the remedy again.  If you take a homeopathic remedy too many times this can halt the healing process and prevent the remedy from achieving its maximum potential.

Homeopathy: Natural, gentle, effective healthcare

Homeopathy: Natural, gentle, effective healthcare

     Homeopathy is a 200-year old system of medicine.  The World Health Organization recognizes it as the second most prevalently used therapeutic system in the world.  More than 300 million people in 80 countries use homeopathy.  A report commissioned by the Swiss Government found homeopathy to be more cost-effective than other forms of medicine, traditional or alternative.  

     Homeopathy is natural.  The remedies come primarily from the plant, animal and mineral kingdoms.  Homeopathy is safe and gentle.  It can be used by pregnant women, nursing mothers, newborn infants, the elderly and everyone in between.

     Homeopathic remedies help to stimulate the body's own defense mechanism so that the body can bring itself back into a state of balance.  They are single remedies that are prescribed for each unique individual to address their whole person and the various symptoms they are experiencing.

Consider this alternative so you can get back to your healthiest life possible.