Wednesday, 23 March 2016

Hay fever and homeopathy

There are 250 homeopathic remedies specifically listed in the homeopathic literature for seasonal allergies / hay fever.  Although there are in fact thousands of remedies that could be used to treat someone who has allergy symptoms.  A homeopathic remedy is chosen according to the symptoms that the sufferer is presenting.   Each person who has hay fever has their own individual, unique set of symptoms.  For example, a hypothetical "Fred" is allergic to ragweed,  he suffers terribly with itchy eyes that tear up and burn, his nose runs (but the nasal discharge doesn't burn.) Even his breathing is affected and he can start wheezing and coughing. Fred feels better out in cold air and worse in a warm room. Fred should try homeopathic Ambrosia.  Meanwhile, hypothetical "Harry" has itchy, red eyes and even the roof of his mouth and inside his nostrils are itchy.  He has a runny nose and has lost his sense of smell and is sneezing a lot.  Harry feels worse in the evenings. He might do well to try homeopathic Arundo.  Choosing an effective homeopathic remedy requires observing closely what are the exact symptoms as well as what makes the person feel better or worse. You can get a homeopathic book and self-prescribe.  Here are two that I like very much:

Miranda Castro's The Complete Homeopathy Handbook

Laura Josephson's  A Homeopathic Handbook of Natural Remedies*Version*=1&*entries*=0

If you have no success self-prescribing then you can always consult with a professional homeopath to get a constitutional remedy.  Constitutional remedies are chosen not just for your acute hay fever symptoms but are based on your entire self - physical, mental and emotional.  A constitutional remedy helps to boost your immune system and to help you rebalance holistically.

Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Homeopathy and fertility

Homeopathy is based on the premise the body has the ability to heal itself - it just sometimes needs a nudge in the right direction to rebalance itself.  A well-prescribed homeopathic remedy is that catalyst.  I have seen a homeopathic remedy help a couple conceive when they had previously had
issues doing so.  Homeopathy works gently and naturally to help reinstate a healthy foundation so that chances of conceiving are increased.  More and more, people are becoming aware of the risks of IVF.  Therefore, if you are looking for a safer and more healing route to take in your quest to conceive perhaps you should look into homeopathic treatment.   Here are a few links to some articles, if you are looking for more information.